ChanGe is only constant in liFe

Hi Friend in Spirit—

i had written a nice juicy post from my iPhone, and — lo and behold — it didn’t work! Instead of being mad or disappointed, i just said, “Well, that’s par for the course. Nothing’s sure except … things change.” And in this case, the “change was losing the post that took a half hour of laborious typing on my phone’s tiny keypad.

After all this time of trying to buck the flow of life, I’m only absolutely, 100% sure of two things:

number One: we create our own realities from the choices we make, and, number Two:  Change is the only constant in Life.

That’s why I honor Spirit instead of: politics, movements, religion, organized anything of any sort. In all my rants and sharings (whichever way you look at my writings here on lordflea) I center on how “things” affect me and all of us who share this whirling blue globe suspended in space. I come from the point of view that we are all spiritual beings having a human existence.

spreading the person at a time

spreading the Light, one person at a time

look at this drawing, for instance.
this week i had computer problems, and had to wipe my hard drive clean, take it absolutely down to scratch-from-factory condition, in order to make it run properly. That means ALL my artwork and saved information, which i had for years  scanned and neatly filed away and was accessible by SIGHT at a mere click of my nifty finger—all that, all my computer’s input, was dumped into an external hard drive that i don’t even know, really, how to operate. SO—-in order to share this drawing with you i went hunting. That’s big-time CHANGE—how to do something I’ve never done! You and I, all of us, we’re faced with that everyday of our lives. Well—i just held my nose (figuratively speaking) and jumped in, just like the first time i wanted to swim in a big dark pond and didn’t know how. I just did it. Took a deep breath and … jumped in. Most times things have worked out pretty well. I haven’t drowned yet. YET.
Oivey! Guess what? Going into the “new” external hard drive was like hunting for a tiny ant in a pitch dark field of sticky prickers. I didn’t know what i was doing. Didn’t know where I was. Couldn’t even tell which drawings matched which “codes” I could only see … there were only numbers and letter instead of names, no “titles” or hints whatsoever of which image was which. YIPES! I felt lost! BUT, instead of being pissed, or blaming the computer, or the geeks who didn’t tell me how to do anything — I decided to trust my fate to an invisible choice.
I would click something at random, in a place where I “thought” maybe, perhaps, sort-of, iffy, okay I had to TRUST that this file MIGHT be a drawing that would relate to what I’m talking about: Change.
So I clicked. And this is the drawing that came into being after clicking. And no, i never knew what it was until it appeared here, before me, just as you see it. And you know what—it’s perfect!!!
Because I’m MOST interested in helping others, as I have, to change —from materialistic ego-centric humanity to Spirit-filled, Spirit-inspired, Spirit-fueled, and Spirit-Trusting beings of Light that we truly are, who are having a human incarnation all together—and for this concept, this belief, this reality that i have created for my own existence (that’s pretty fun, folks!) this illustration is absolutely the ticket to convey
how it works.
Change starts with going to our center. The group in the above drawing sits facing center. In the center, imagine, is Human Knowledge, our Inner Wisdom, also called, “The Light.” Knowledge that is intrinsic to our human natures. It’s encoded in our DNA that’s been passed down to us from the Ancients, our beloved teachers, all the en-LIGHTened Prophets, our various holy scriptures, AND our own life experiences. And then, one by one, we who surround that center, together we sing, we dance, we praise the Light, we spread IT too, and we influence ONE another, and some other person perhaps, and—one person at a time—we change the world. We change from being scared and scurrying humans (like ants in the prickly field) over-populating and over-compensating for each other—we morph, we change, we transform ourselves into an inter-connected family of Man, the family of huManity: accepting each other’s differences. Not trying to control one another. WOW. Think of THAT. One day I woke up and just knew that all my efforts, all my work, my songs, my creations, my energies—are rippling through the waves of diverse choices we all face, and perhaps, maybe, by chance!—one by one, other people will join the song of Oneness we sing on lordflea, and come to realize that WE, together, can make a difference—one person at a time.
Want to see what happens when i go into my new external hard drive and….by chance….try clicking on another “number code”? Hmmm, let’s see how its works this time.
oh yeah, that's US

oh yeah, that's US all right! Beings of Light disguised as humans, some of us claiming our angelic form, others still debating that point

It’s perfect! You’re perfect! I’m perfect:

“We are perfect in our imperfections.” (yogic scripture)

Om purnamidam. Purnasya. Purnamadaya. Om shanti shanti shanti. 

in the Light, lordflea

cuba dreams…art and soul


soon there will be a dawning day in habana, when the celebration of other cultures comes to the island of cuba, and its people open more to others through–ahhh, art!


a street in old habana

a street in old habana

art taps the very soul of the human spirit. what better way to open up the minds and hearts of the cuban people, and then, in due order, the economic opportunities of the country–than to celebrate something so wildly different from what each of us experiences everyday.  this is art in its purest, most supreme form. what better way to be “arty” and “soulful” in habana than to celebrate what artists there, and everywhere, continue to do as long as human beings exist on Earth–make glorious, meaningful, emotional art.  in a city known for its former elegance but now struggling to just get by, cuban art celebrates what can’t be spoken (aloud) about. Making art is so different than speaking politics, or having opinions. Art is pure and simple magic–sometimes filled with silliness, or seemingly meaningless things, blown-up costumes, insane characters, weird happenings, hopefully lots of good cheer if not unique ideas–or else realistically somber.  but either way, art provides an opportunity to have some much needed release, and fun!

Green costumes for the parade! Dance! Kiss! Celebrate!

Art is to get outside one-self. Dance! Kiss! Celebrate! Open Up!

the warm and soulful art culture of cuba is alive and well, even though there is also an element of the stern revolutionary-regime wherever you turn in habana.

the military monument dedicated to the revolution of cuba
the military monument dedicated to the revolution of cuba
monument to fidel and che's boat, plane, etc. used to take over batista in '59

monument to fidel and che's boat, plane, etc. used to take over batista in '59

i thoroughly believe that cuba will open up to the world by the efforts of its artists, and the magically subliminal effects of art.

So many artists thrive in cuba! It stunned me to see so much talent for such a small island.

everywhere you look is art in habana!

everywhere you look is art in habana!

 creativity taps the energy within the human soul, and helps to release any pent-up frustrations, or…in the case of cuba…the lack of freedom. More power to the artists of the world! Like the way the iron curtain was lifted by the combined efforts of organized artists, i know, i felt it! a spiritual energy is rippling, right now in habana, infused in the huge outpouring of creativity of cuba’s artists, known and not so well known.

habana street art

habana street art


Our Lady of the Indies

Our Lady of the Indies


in the capitol building, "Lady Liberty"

in the capitol building, "Lady Liberty"

towel-sculpture made by our hotel maids

towel-sculpture made by our hotel maids

what a glorious day to be free! in my bones i sing the praises of having had the great good fortune of being born in America. God Bless America! Great Spirit Guide our new President Obama! May we, who are lucky enough to be able to live free, continue to help others gain the opportunities we are fortunate to have. Let’s continue sharing what we have with the rest of the world–through art, or through contributing to good causes, or…by simply sending our energy to those who still suffer, through the power of prayer. We are One. Believe in Love. 

reaching out to others with our freedom song

reaching out to others with our freedom song

in the Light, lordflea

another view of cuba

senor don in habana

senor don in habana


friend don chiofaro has written a requested op-ed for the Boston Herald, coming out soon, which we’ll publish here at lordflea when his views hit the newsstand. thanks Don, i agree whole-heartedly, that it’s time for a change. the U.S. embargo, after fifty years, has done nothing but hurt the cuban people, and done nothing to stop the revolutionary government, except to force them to rush into the arms of … well, more later from don himself.
we had a great time in habana, didn’t we, senor?

 coming soon!


                                        by Don Chiofaro

and here’s lordflea’s consort lighting up what is not allowed to be brought back to U.S. territory–ye old cuban cigar!

january 2008 in habana

january 2009 in habana--things are not what they appear to be




Being human in habana


view from old habana's la Hotel Sevilla

view from old habana's la Hotel Sevilla

in Cuba we stayed at the Hotel Sevilla, the same hotel as Graham Greene did, where he gathered his hands-on research (lots of rum, hip-swishing women and enough political intrigue for three shelves of books) to subsequently write one: “Our Man in Havana.” Lucky Luciano, the Sicilian-American mobster, also stayed at la Hotel Sevilla, as well as Ernest Hemingway and a slew of other famous extrangeros, including  eco-fable filmmaker Carter and expanding-consciousness-artist as well as our traveling partners who represent a cuban-american humanitarian foundation that sponsored our trip and provided necessary visas from the US Gov’t and permission from Cuban authorities as well; a director of a non-profit fund who graciously invited us to participate in his Cuban endeavors of far-reaching proportions; a friend who’s an urban developer from Boston; a Cuban-American (born in Cuba), and an American (born in Cape Cod, America) who are New York City dealer and artist, respectively, traveling to habana to coordinate a special art event that i’ll share with you soon, on another post. stay tuned for news about

THE Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in Habana!

sugar cane juice-making at the old Fort, with Habana in the distance

sugar cane juice-making at the old Fort, with Habana in the distance

of all the many photos and video clips i took while in habana (the cuban spelling is “habana”–in english, haVana) here is an image of what epotomizes the current state of this once-elegant and passionately modern, but now nearly eroded, decrepit city (thanks to no maintenance, just  basic needs met for the last fifty years).  all i can see that castro’s regime has done is substitute the immoral era of cuba’s previous debauchery for the utter LACK OF OPPORTUNITY of cuba’s so-called “revolutionary” era.  to me this revolution is more like a “revert”-olution … back to much LESS-than a civilized human deserves.  the cubans i befriended are sad, hurt to the core, and depressed about there not being any feasible, reasonable, or timely end to their diemma.

shown here is the formerly glorious building called “maravilla”…”the marvelous” … which stands directly opposite the centuries-old Cathedral in la Plaza de Cristo, in once-prosperous Old Habana.  feel the sadness, the despair, the thoroughly hopeless pain of all cubanos (IN and OUT of cuba) in this shot.

the old man and his city

the old man and his city

yes, that IS a tree growing out of the stone facade of this once impressive city dwelling.  its roots are not the only thing tearing apart the very fiber of the crumbling center of this Old-World civilization center.

if something isn’t done quickly about habana…it will be too late to save.  the very infrasturcture of streets, sewers, water pipes, electricity, not to mention ALL old buildings’ exteriors and interiors, are imploding from lack of care.  this city looks like a war zone yet there has been no war (not since argentinian Che, and cuban brothers Raul and Fidel’s violent takeover in 1959).  habana looks like a virtual bomb site, yet nary a bomb has been set off except that which resides in the human collective heart of progress and freedom.  the erosion of the human spirit speaks louder than the salsa music that blasts occasionally in earthquaked-looking streets.  numbness and “being stuck” are the stunned looks reflecting back from people’s faces.

imprisioned spirits

imprisioned spirits

this is a sculpture by yoan capote, a young, incredibly talented cuban who personifies the yearning for freedom that all cuban artists exude.  it is through ART that the true revolution (and hence, EVOLUTION) of the human spirit will, and always has been, enacted by the people.  artists becoming united (underground, first) are what made the berlin wall and the soviet block crumble.  artists, writers, musicians, and ALL modes of creative expression are what will make help cuba open up, and the entire world change also–change from lack to embracing a human being’s potential full-ness.

the angels protecting habana

the angels protecting habana

i’ll be making small posts with news of our trip in the next few days.  meanwhile, i am pondering the future of cuba and how best I can help these dignitifed, soulful people regain a semblance of their famous “Oldest Colony”-pride.  the cuban people want to contribute to modern life and swim back into the flow of healthy living.

all Obama can do, immediately, is lighten up the most recent U.S. restrictions about exiled Cuban-Americans visiting the island (from former yearly visits to once every three years, imposed by Bush in ’04) and sending money to family (restricted by amount and recipient(s) by Bush at same time).  Obama can’t lift the embargo, in place for decades now, a feat which can only be accomplished by an Act of Congress, as the embargo is “Law” and hence, a much longer, much more complicated legal process to undo.  And as we know, Obama has a lot more on his plate besides the tiny island of Cuba. What some of you might NOT know, however, is that the U.S.A. sells over $600 million worth of food to Cuba each year, because food is not covered by the embargo; but all other goods (such as industrial supplies and anything else commercial) are. Without the food sold to cuba by america cubans would be even more hard hit than they are, even though they receive aid from China and Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela in substantial amounts, and Europe too, but in lesser amounts.

i can help by blogging.

YOU can help by supporting any humanitarian effort that brings help to cubans still living in cuba. 

lordflea’s blog is a forum for ALL people seeking freedom, for all who wish to embrace the right to voice political, religious, material, or psychological choices. but most especially, here we sing about the right of all humans to experience spiritual freedom.  spiritual freedom being defined (by lordflea) as the sense, the knowledge, and the experience of the connectedness of All, the Oneness of All.

for those who care to find out more about the “meditation revolution” practiced by hundreds of thousands around the globe, who along with buddhists, chrisitans, muslims, jews, and any from the world’s religions who believe that God, Allah, Mohammed, etc. is just “a different name” for The ONE Source of Consciousness, and that all people are representatives of the Oneness of ALL, please investigate the teachings found on 

the collective unconscious--we are ONE

the collective unconscious--we are ONE

carter and i went to habana to participate in a fact-finding, humanitarian mission: delivering medicine to kids with cancer (email address: if you’d like to help the kids with cancer Carmen and Rey so lovingly nurture through their challenges.  we also supported other non-political efforts while we were there. we had opportunities to gather information about the revolution’s effects on the island. we participated in a group that tries to discover ways to inspire the citizens of havana, to help the people there to cling to the hope that rustles still, ever so gently, in the hearts of all cubanos, on or off the island.   even though the breadth of castro’s regime is so thorough, that a person’s voice of freedom cannot be spoken (in public) above a whisper…we heard from citizens wherever we went, with whomever we talked, that cuban people wish, earnestly wish to be free from the tyranny of oppression. they are ready for change. CAMBIO!!! CHANGE!!!

another citizen, an innocent, of habana…

una quinceanera azul

una quinceanera azul

a girl and her family prepares for her “sweet sixteen” party, celebrated at age 15 in latin america. here they are in a church  plaza, readying for their photo shoot.  but–what does the future hold for this young lady?  will she be able to feed herself, her children? will there be a job for her when she’s ready to work?  will she ever even know what is happening outside, in the “real” world, since the government only allows her to see the two state-supported TV stations?  will she ever have access to the internet, as so many in cuba don’t?

i brought a gift for a blogger who was “lying low,” according to the informed friend with whom i spoke. apparently the blogger is being closely watched by castro’s government, and of course, being denied access to the internet to stop blogging. but–i have just discovered that another blog, is able to receive the cuban blogger’s messages, and is posting them translated in English. i send out the white light of protection and guidance to this brave solitary voice, and to all bloggers who dare to speak of freedom even when they can’t speak aloud where they live. the bloggers who get through to the rest of the world, who have courage enough to speak loudly and bravely, cause IMMENSE impact wherever their blogs are read. even amidst the fierce oppression of cuba, the voice of bloggers is slowly going to amount to a cyber-spiritual-revolution.  our combined blessings surround you, y and all bloggers, who risk so much to send your versions of the truth out into the world via the internet.

yoani, she fights with her sword of words

y, she fights with her sword of words

according to rumor fidel is near death; the end of his terrifying reign imminent from colon cancer. what irony, that this revolutionary’s originally noble efforts should backfire so tragically. true, he freed his country from the grip of batiste’s obsession with greed, gambling, and gansters, and i suppose a revolution was the only way to have broken the ironclad fist of debauchery that cocooned habana, yet made the rest of cuba’s people suffer so. but fidel didn’t stay in touch with the needs of his people, once he ousted batiste. without recognizing his people’s lack of freedom, from the overly strict standard imposed by castro’s regime, fidel certainly never acknowledged that his revolution had any tragic consequences, such as the far-reaching suppression and oppression his fellow cubans (on the island) suffer today, instead of the more beneficial lives he wished for them, once upon a time–for ALL his people of cuba. 

what WILL happen when fidel passes?  will the people of cuba find courage to take action and allow more freedom, provide more world-opportunity to its citizens?  can raul fill the intimidating shoes of his older brother?  acccording to one friend to whom i asked the question, “Will cubanos change and overthrow the goverment after fidel dies?” the answer was a nervous, eyes-looking-around-everywhere whisper: “No, because we are too exhausted just trying to get something to eat each day. And mentally, we are too frozen with fear to change.”

we can only hope that enlightened diplomats, such as Obama and others who advise and work with him, will be able to come up with solutions that will spell f-r-e-e-d-o-m for the cuban people. they have suffered quite enough.

the hope of los cubanos ever changing lays with each one of us.  we–the combined hearts of the human family–can help to inspire others, by sharing and offering our belief that hope is real, is possible, and that change is a matter of choice!

there's always hope

there's always hope

adios mis amigos, lordflea, in the freedom of the human Spirit